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Advancing Transnational Approaches to Social Protection in the Global South


Shriwise, Amanda, 2020

In: Carina Schmitt (Hg.), From Colonialism to International Aid. External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South

Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 19-42.



An increasing number of social scientists have recognized the extent to which transnational dynamics have affected the emergence of social protection systems and welfare regimes in the Global South. This chapter argues that the added value of transnational approaches to social protection lies in their potential to advance theories of the emergence of social protection arrangements in the Global South. In particular, transnational approaches encourage researchers to move beyond a recognition that context matters in global policymaking to identifying causal patterns that take both external actors and domestic conditions into account. To explore this potential, the chapter examines understandings of the transnational and of transnational actors and global institutions across disciplines to foster greater coherence in theoretical debates on the emergence of social protection in the Global South. Then, the chapter examines how the analysis of transnational actor constellations can help to identify causal patterns across country cases, with an eye toward better informing policy practice.

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