National Records Office Sudan and Archive Centre of the Gezira Board
The National Records Office is located in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum and was established in 1956. It serves as the national archive of the country. It covers official documents from the establishment of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium onwards to at least the mid-1980s. Unfortunately, it has no website. The Archive Centre of the Gezira Board is an adjunct to the National Records Office and located in the Gezira Board´s headquaters at Barakat near Wad Medani. It covers documents of the Gezira Board, including the correspondence of the Sudan Plantations Syndicate before 1950, which managed the Gezira Scheme at that time.
Grabler, Susan (1985): Government Archives in Northern Sudan. In: History of Africa, 12, 363-368. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/3171730.