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Nigerian National Archives

Founded in 1954, the National Archives of Nigeria holds large parts of their collection in Ibadan, even though the archive’s headquarters are located in the Nigerian capital, Lagos. Further locations of the National Archives are in Enugu and Kaduna, where documents on the colonial administration concerning the respective region as well as newspapers and official government publications can be found. The Kaduna branch not only covers a broad range of documents from colonial Northern Nigeria, but also Arabic documents mainly concerning the 19th century. It is part of the Endangered Archives Programme of the British Library aiming at helping to preserve archival materials at risk (for further information see Additionally, there are a range of smaller local offices throughout the country. The Archives are responsible for preserving and cataloguing documents from all government ministries, parastatal organisations and Nigerian private sector entities. The National Archives of Nigeria in Ibadan as well as their Kaduna branch are active on Facebook.

Adelberger, Jörg (1992): The National Archives – Kaduna (NAK), Nigeria. In: History of Africa, 19, 435-439. DOI:
Heap, Simon (1991): The Nigerian National Archives, Ibadan: An Introduction for Users and a Summary of Holdings. In: History in Africa, 18, 159-172. DOI:
Heap, Simon (1993): The Nigerian National Archives, Kaduna: An Introduction for Users and a Summary of Holdings. In: History in Africa, 20, 395-407. DOI:
Heap, Simon (1994): The Nigerian National Archives, Enugu: An Introduction for Users and a Summary of Holdings. In: History in Africa, 21, 435-440. DOI:


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